Activity log for bug #589865

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2010-06-04 20:11:28 Hungerburg bug added bug
2010-06-04 20:11:28 Hungerburg attachment added convolved patch, to translate hatches from dxf
2010-06-04 22:50:17 su_v tags enhancement dxf importing
2010-07-24 21:54:25 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:inkscape
2010-07-24 22:14:08 Alvin Penner inkscape: status New Fix Committed
2010-07-26 00:33:04 Hungerburg attachment added imort named dimensions and tolerances
2011-06-10 21:11:21 su_v inkscape: importance Undecided Wishlist
2011-06-10 21:11:21 su_v inkscape: milestone 0.49
2011-06-10 21:11:21 su_v inkscape: assignee Alvin Penner (apenner)
2015-02-23 20:49:56 Bryce Harrington inkscape: status Fix Committed Fix Released