Activity log for bug #583141

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2010-05-20 02:37:13 prkos bug added bug
2010-05-20 02:39:18 prkos description The 0 angle in axonometric grid isn't perfectly horizontal and 90 angle isn't perfectly horizontal. When I pull out a horizontal guide the angle value is automatically changed to 1. If I have the 90 angle, vertical guide sets it to 89. Tested on 9425 and 0.47. The 0 angle in axonometric grid isn't perfectly horizontal and 90 angle isn't perfectly vertical. When I pull out a horizontal guide the angle value is automatically changed to 1. If I have the 90 angle, vertical guide sets it to 89. Tested on 9425 and 0.47.
2010-05-20 04:08:08 prkos tags grids
2010-05-21 08:53:22 su_v inkscape: importance Undecided Medium
2010-05-21 08:53:22 su_v inkscape: status New Confirmed
2012-10-26 21:16:48 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:inkscape
2012-10-26 21:17:30 Johan Engelen inkscape: status Confirmed Fix Committed
2012-10-26 21:17:30 Johan Engelen inkscape: milestone 0.49
2012-10-26 21:17:30 Johan Engelen inkscape: assignee Johan Engelen (johanengelen)
2015-02-23 20:43:27 Bryce Harrington inkscape: status Fix Committed Fix Released