Activity log for bug #177705

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2007-12-20 16:43:18 Martin Andersen bug added bug
2007-12-20 21:37:44 nightrow inkscape: importance Undecided Wishlist
2008-01-07 09:37:47 Bryce Harrington inkscape: status New Incomplete
2008-01-12 02:39:08 Martin Andersen bug added attachment 'Inkscape - Illustrator pallette with clipping mask.gif' (How illustrator shows which groups and clipping masks are present and selected.)
2008-08-28 01:08:26 ScislaC inkscape: status Incomplete Confirmed
2008-08-28 01:08:26 ScislaC inkscape: statusexplanation Can you provide a more visual example of what you have in mind for this?
2013-03-12 17:36:26 su_v tags groups ui