However, 0.91 still uses pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers to render curves.
pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers (src/helper/geom.cpp) attempts to estimate this elliptical arc using cubic Bézier curves, and gets it very, horribly wrong for this specific case. I've determined the problem to stem from within 2geom, and I unfortunately don't know enough of the math going on to really be able to tell where it is going wrong at this point.
This revision changed experimental to use Cairo to render elliptical arcs: /bazaar. launchpad. net/~inkscape. dev/inkscape/ experimental/ revision/ 13462
Experimental was later merged back into trunk, and this at least explains why trunk renders this file correctly.
However, 0.91 still uses pathv_to_ linear_ and_cubic_ beziers to render curves. linear_ and_cubic_ beziers (src/helper/ geom.cpp) attempts to estimate this elliptical arc using cubic Bézier curves, and gets it very, horribly wrong for this specific case. I've determined the problem to stem from within 2geom, and I unfortunately don't know enough of the math going on to really be able to tell where it is going wrong at this point.
I do know that the tailError (3 truncated terms) for the SBasis representing this SVGEllipticalArc is not an accurate to the real error that this conversion would incur. /bazaar. launchpad. net/~lib2geom- hackers/ lib2geom/ trunk/view/ head:/src/ 2geom/sbasis. cpp#L45