Activity log for bug #334490

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2009-02-25 18:36:49 Chris Coulson bug added bug
2009-02-25 18:36:49 Chris Coulson bug added attachment 'Screenshot.png' (Screenshot.png)
2009-02-25 18:37:24 Chris Coulson bug added attachment 'Screenshot-1.png' (Screenshot-1.png)
2009-02-25 18:37:56 Chris Coulson bug added attachment 'Screenshot-2.png' (Screenshot-2.png)
2009-03-03 23:50:19 Chris Coulson description Binary package hint: indicator-messages I use a theme that is a mixture of dark and light colours (the panel and menu's being dark, but the window contents being light). With this theme, the messaging indicator has the wrong background colour (it looks the same as a lighter colour used in the Nautilus window shown in my first screenshot). At first glance, it seems that the Human theme and other dark themes don't exhibit this problem. However, as you can see from my other 2 screenshots with the Human theme and Dark room (which is a consistently dark theme), on closer inspection it is apparent that the colour is also incorrect with these themes (it just doesn't stand out as much). If I change the panel background to a solid colour or an image, then the background of the messaging indicator looks ok. It is only wrong when I set the panel background to use the system theme. I assigned this to indicator-messages as opposed to indicator-applet, as it seems that the indicator-applet does everything necessary to set the correct background colour. Binary package hint: indicator-applet I use a theme that is a mixture of dark and light colours (the panel and menu's being dark, but the window contents being light). With this theme, the messaging indicator has the wrong background colour (it looks the same as a lighter colour used in the Nautilus window shown in my first screenshot). At first glance, it seems that the Human theme and other dark themes don't exhibit this problem. However, as you can see from my other 2 screenshots with the Human theme and Dark room (which is a consistently dark theme), on closer inspection it is apparent that the colour is also incorrect with these themes (it just doesn't stand out as much). If I change the panel background to a solid colour or an image, then the background of the messaging indicator looks ok. It is only wrong when I set the panel background to use the system theme.
2009-03-04 17:40:37 Chris Coulson indicator-messages: bugtargetdisplayname indicator-messages (Ubuntu) indicator-applet (Ubuntu)
2009-03-04 17:40:37 Chris Coulson indicator-messages: bugtargetname indicator-messages (Ubuntu) indicator-applet (Ubuntu)
2009-03-04 17:40:37 Chris Coulson indicator-messages: statusexplanation
2009-03-04 17:40:37 Chris Coulson indicator-messages: title Bug #334490 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu): "Wrong background colour for messaging icon" Bug #334490 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu): "Wrong background colour for messaging icon"
2009-03-05 10:41:32 Sebastien Bacher indicator-applet: importance Undecided Low
2009-03-05 10:41:41 Sebastien Bacher bug assigned to indicator-applet
2009-03-10 21:49:08 Rick Spencer indicator-applet: assignee ted-gould
2009-03-12 14:09:35 Ted Gould indicator-applet: status New Fix Committed
2009-03-12 14:09:35 Ted Gould indicator-applet: statusexplanation
2009-03-12 14:09:35 Ted Gould indicator-applet: milestone 0.1.2
2009-03-12 14:10:09 Ted Gould indicator-applet: importance Undecided Medium
2009-03-16 19:09:34 Ted Gould indicator-applet: status Fix Committed Fix Released
2009-03-16 22:20:10 Launchpad Janitor indicator-applet: status New Fix Released
2009-03-18 10:25:51 Nicolò Chieffo indicator-applet: status Fix Released Confirmed
2009-03-18 10:25:51 Nicolò Chieffo indicator-applet: statusexplanation This is not fixed if yo use a panel with a background. do you need a screenshot?
2009-03-18 10:38:03 Chris Coulson indicator-applet (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Incomplete
2009-03-18 10:51:09 Nicolò Chieffo bug added attachment 'image.png' (image.png)
2009-03-18 14:42:09 Nicolò Chieffo bug added attachment 'panel.rc' (panel.rc)
2009-03-29 19:43:38 gsmx bug added attachment 'indicator-applet.png' (indicator-applet.png)
2009-04-05 20:59:27 Marius Gedminas attachment added indicator-applet next to the fast user switcher; clearlooks theme
2009-04-06 14:30:11 Nicolò Chieffo attachment added fusa_and_indicator.png
2009-04-08 09:00:06 Launchpad Janitor indicator-applet (Ubuntu): status Incomplete Fix Released
2009-08-06 10:32:06 josephk attachment added Schermata.png
2010-06-07 09:11:17 josephk removed subscriber JosephK