Activity log for bug #253699

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2008-07-31 16:28:33 Shannon Turlington bug added bug
2008-07-31 16:28:45 Shannon Turlington ihris-plan: importance Undecided High
2008-09-09 14:47:13 Shannon Turlington ihris-plan: importance High Critical
2008-11-24 15:45:18 Shannon Turlington ihris-plan: importance Critical High
2009-01-27 19:16:12 Shannon Turlington ihris-plan: importance High Critical
2009-01-29 16:45:46 Shannon Turlington ihris-plan: importance Critical Wishlist
2009-01-29 16:46:13 Shannon Turlington description Need to be able to export the data from projection models and print them. May also need to build some other kinds of reports or hide rows in the projection. Need to be able to export the data from projection models. May also need to build some other kinds of reports or hide rows in the projection.
2009-01-29 16:46:13 Shannon Turlington title Export and print projection models Export projection models