2011-01-14 12:05:40,123 ERROR core.dispatcher: Exception occured in TimeZone processor of geography plugin.
Event: {'account': 1, 'responses': [], 'source': u'shadowfire', 'addressed': True, 'processed': False, 'time': datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 14, 10, 5, 39, 460575), 'identity': 55, 'message': {'raw': u'time in jhb', 'deaddressed': u'time in jhb', 'clean': u'time in jhb', 'stripped': u'time in jhb'}, 'type': u'message', 'public': False, 'channel': u'tumbleweed!~<email address hidden>', 'sender': {'nick': u'tumbleweed', 'connection': u'tumbleweed!~<email address hidden>', 'id': u'tumbleweed'}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/stefanor/bzr/ibid/stefanor/tibid/ibid/core.py", line 33, in _process
File "/home/stefanor/bzr/ibid/stefanor/tibid/ibid/plugins/__init__.py", line 145, in process
method(event, *match.groups())
File "/home/stefanor/bzr/ibid/stefanor/tibid/ibid/plugins/geography.py", line 370, in time
self.convert(event, None, None, place)
File "/home/stefanor/bzr/ibid/stefanor/tibid/ibid/plugins/geography.py", line 355, in convert
to_zone = self._find_timezone(to)
File "/home/stefanor/bzr/ibid/stefanor/tibid/ibid/plugins/geography.py", line 319, in _find_timezone
zone = self._geonames_lookup(string)
File "/home/stefanor/bzr/ibid/stefanor/tibid/ibid/plugins/geography.py", line 328, in _geonames_lookup
if search['totalResultsCount'] == 0:
KeyError: 'totalResultsCount'
2011-01-14 12:05:40,123 INFO plugins.geography: JSON: {u'status': {u'message': u'the free servers are currently overloaded with requests.', u'value': 22}}