Timesheet by Employee report create a pdf with timesheet in day while user_timesheet.xsl expects an amount in hours...
Proposed patch is:
in user_timeshheet.py
Old line
"select line.date,(unit_amount / unit.factor) as amount, account_id, account.name "\
"from account_analytic_line as line, hr_analytic_timesheet as hr, "\
"account_analytic_account as account, product_uom as unit "\
"where hr.line_id=line.id and line.account_id=account.id "\
"and product_uom_id = unit.id "\
"and line.user_id=%s and line.date >= %s and line.date < %s "
"order by line.date",
(user_id, som.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), eom.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))
New line
"select line.date,(unit_amount ) as amount, account_id, account.name "\
"from account_analytic_line as line, hr_analytic_timesheet as hr, "\
"account_analytic_account as account, product_uom as unit "\
"where hr.line_id=line.id and line.account_id=account.id "\
"and product_uom_id = unit.id "\
"and line.user_id=%s and line.date >= %s and line.date < %s "
"order by line.date",
(user_id, som.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), eom.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))