data = status.StatusType10FetchUrl(func, location) log.debug("StatusType10FetchUrl:") log.debug(data)
data = data.split(b"Session/")[1] log.debug(data)
data = data.split(b"<")[0] log.debug(data)
data = b"/Calibration/Session/" + data + b"/ManualSelectedPatterns.xml" log.debug(data)
global calibrationSession calibrationSession = data.decode("utf-8")
The solution, may be, that I used locally debugging the bug
``` utf8("manual" ) in data:
log.debug( "Device supports manual calibration") StatusType10Fet chUrl(func, "/Calibration/ Session" , "<cal:Calibrati onState xmlns:cal=\\\"http:// www.hp. com/schemas/ imaging/ con/cnx/ markingagentcal ibration/ 2009/04/ 08\\\" xmlns:dd=\\\"http:// www.hp. com/schemas/ imaging/ con/dictionarie s/1.0/\\\">Printing< /cal:Calibratio nState> ")
log.debug( "data:" )
log.debug( data)
if to_bytes_
data = status.
from email import message_from_string from_string( str(data, 'ASCII' ).split( '\r\n', 1)[1])
log.debug( "location: ")
log.debug( location)
headers = message_
location = headers['Location']
data = status. StatusType10Fet chUrl(func, location)
log.debug( "StatusType10Fe tchUrl: ")
log.debug( data) b"Session/ ")[1]
log.debug( data)
log.debug( data) Session/ " + data + b"/ManualSelect edPatterns. xml"
log.debug( data)
calibrationSes sion = data.decode( "utf-8" )
data = data.split(
data = data.split(b"<")[0]
data = b"/Calibration/
global calibrationSession
attention: lots of useless debug logs