Sorry for misunderstanding - would you mind removing these binaries (not whole tarball)? Because they must not be there (all operating systems should build all these binaries by themselves - because they can have different configurations for compiling hplip) - they seems like leftovers after package testing and it only creates more work for package maintainers, whose need to delete these files.
which are unneeded (if they can be built from source files in tarball) and non-functional in some cases - because they are built in your environment, anyone, who has slightly different environment (other library or something else), cannot use precompiled binaries. So the solution - removing the binaries when hplip isn't compiled with class driver support - IMHO isn't complete solution. They shouldn't be shipped in source tarball at all.
Sorry for misunderstanding - would you mind removing these binaries (not whole tarball)? Because they must not be there (all operating systems should build all these binaries by themselves - because they can have different configurations for compiling hplip) - they seems like leftovers after package testing and it only creates more work for package maintainers, whose need to delete these files.