It looks like the code to implement IMAGE_RESERVED_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES got removed as part of this commit:
commit 3c2ce866df58eccb4eef44ae766997236c074ff1 Author: Szymon Wroblewski <email address hidden> Date: Tue May 19 16:14:59 2015 +0200
Angularize metadata update modals
Update table action to use new angular modal dialog. Remove "Metadata Update" views.
Implemenents: blueprint angularize-metadata-update-modals Change-Id: I7b3d2eab8c0830dc44a45901981eb0e71009c038
It looks like the code to implement IMAGE_RESERVED_ CUSTOM_ PROPERTIES got removed as part of this commit:
commit 3c2ce866df58ecc b4eef44ae766997 236c074ff1
Author: Szymon Wroblewski <email address hidden>
Date: Tue May 19 16:14:59 2015 +0200
Angularize metadata update modals
Update table action to use new angular modal dialog.
Remove "Metadata Update" views.
Implemenents: blueprint angularize- metadata- update- modals dc44a45901981eb 0e71009c038
Change-Id: I7b3d2eab8c0830