Add Allowed Address Pair/Delete buttons are only visible to admin
Initially In Queens, when logging into Horizon in context
of a _member_ in any project, the "Add Allowed Address Pair"
and "Delete" buttons in "Network" -> "Networks" ->
<select a network> -> "Ports" -> <select a port> ->
"Allowed Address Pairs" are not visible.
When accessing the same panel in context of a project where the user
has the admin role, the "Add" and "Delete" button is visible and
This patch fixes the above issue by updating the policy_target.
Change-Id: Ia7db6c2881c72580a156eb97b11bb51f295cfbce
Closes-Bug: #1794421
(cherry picked from commit 87b57dfe7113da09715d5613ab9c91c15a75c189)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/684922 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ horizon/ commit/ ?id=83855762fb6 af0f560de943251 2aa488377e9e21
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 83855762fb6af0f 560de9432512aa4 88377e9e21
Author: Shilpa Devharakar <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 22 14:29:41 2019 +0530
Add Allowed Address Pair/Delete buttons are only visible to admin
Initially In Queens, when logging into Horizon in context
of a _member_ in any project, the "Add Allowed Address Pair"
and "Delete" buttons in "Network" -> "Networks" ->
<select a network> -> "Ports" -> <select a port> ->
"Allowed Address Pairs" are not visible.
When accessing the same panel in context of a project where the user
has the admin role, the "Add" and "Delete" button is visible and
This patch fixes the above issue by updating the policy_target.
Change-Id: Ia7db6c2881c725 80a156eb97b11bb 51f295cfbce 9715d5613ab9c91 c15a75c189)
Closes-Bug: #1794421
(cherry picked from commit 87b57dfe7113da0