Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit b4d27e90fa9ae028b87d25d0b828b911be917706 Author: chiragtayal <email address hidden> Date: Mon Nov 28 19:50:20 2016 -0800
Cisco standalone fabric horizon GUI
Solves 500 Internal error thrown by horizon when horizon-cisco-ui is installed and SAF feature is not installed
Change-Id: I10cc75f31804d72333eade14d8e0b5bdf92a1fa0 Closes-Bug: #1645510
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/404017 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ horizon- cisco-ui/ commit/ ?id=b4d27e90fa9 ae028b87d25d0b8 28b911be917706
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit b4d27e90fa9ae02 8b87d25d0b828b9 11be917706
Author: chiragtayal <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 28 19:50:20 2016 -0800
Cisco standalone fabric horizon GUI
Solves 500 Internal error thrown by horizon when horizon-cisco-ui is installed and SAF feature is not installed
Change-Id: I10cc75f31804d7 2333eade14d8e0b 5bdf92a1fa0
Closes-Bug: #1645510