check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-heat-slow fails with missing pyscss dep
Bug #1348908 reported by
Edward Hope-Morley
This bug report is a duplicate of:
Bug #1326813: Connectivity issues to pypi mirrors cause easy_install to fail..
This bug affects 3 people
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
OpenStack Heat |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
DSVM test failing with:
2014-07-25 19:13:21.513 | No distributions at all found for pyscss>=1.2.0 (from horizon=
no longer affects: | tempest |
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check-devstack- dsvm-cells fails:
2014-07-31 21:15:36.871 | Downloading/ unpacking pyscss>=1.2.0 (from horizon= =2014.2. dev73.g134c8e6) pypi.openstack. org/simple/ pypi.openstack. org/simple/ pyscss/ uses an insecure transport scheme (http). Consider using https if has it available =2014.2. dev73.g134c8e6) =2014.2. dev73.g134c8e6)
2014-07-31 21:15:52.287 | Cannot fetch index base URL http://
2014-07-31 21:15:52.288 | http://
2014-07-31 21:15:56.083 | Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement pyscss>=1.2.0 (from horizon=
2014-07-31 21:15:56.083 | Some externally hosted files were ignored (use --allow-external pyscss to allow).
2014-07-31 21:15:56.083 | Cleaning up...
2014-07-31 21:15:56.084 | No distributions at all found for pyscss>=1.2.0 (from horizon=
console log: http:// logs.openstack. org/11/ 110811/ 3/check/ check-devstack- dsvm-cells/ 2b4d1e7/ console. html#_2014- 07-31_21_ 15_57_717 logs.openstack. org/11/ 110811/ 3/check/ check-devstack- dsvm-cells/ 2b4d1e7/ logs/devstacklo g.txt.gz# _2014-07- 31_21_15_ 56_084
full dump ref: http://
Could this be a horizon issue instead?