But I tend to agree with InnoDB way..because it perfectly makes sence for me By theory, Primary Key is not a constraint but a way to address a particular row (tuple) in a table (relation). So primary key is the logical address of a row (tuple). (But ofcource it is implimented in RDBMS systems as a constraint.) if you have any other logical address..(same example of the 6 byte key in your case), why don't you make it explicity primary key? being an Oracle DBA, I know oracles approach is entirely different. But i am not a fan of that. I am not the right person to say.. but to my understanding, Drizzle is not going to change the fundamentals of any storage engine. Probably there will be a different storage engine which stores tuples in different way like you said. can you check whether PBXT or BlitzDB fits your requirement? Thank you, Jobin. On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Swany