Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/kilo
commit ea9cf9beb6e96ad1ce9331a2632b54a24ed62683 Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden> Date: Fri Jul 8 11:06:42 2016 -0700
[apic_mapping] Don't create NatEPG/NatBD when EdgeNat is on
1. also don't update the subnet of the NatBD. 2. added corresponding UTs.
Change-Id: I9fe911e423fea6c34847d19f341d98b18313ac88 Partial-Bug: 1547723 (cherry picked from commit 5cd08377899f3cb898efe5a30300021542c5dae1) (cherry picked from commit 05555818171901d306827fe91e8ffb42d9db6107) (cherry picked from commit b6ee6fd45588cef966ca61fce2c62597dbafe22d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/339859 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ group-based- policy/ commit/ ?id=ea9cf9beb6e 96ad1ce9331a263 2b54a24ed62683
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit ea9cf9beb6e96ad 1ce9331a2632b54 a24ed62683
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 8 11:06:42 2016 -0700
[apic_mapping] Don't create NatEPG/NatBD when EdgeNat is on
1. also don't update the subnet of the NatBD.
2. added corresponding UTs.
Change-Id: I9fe911e423fea6 c34847d19f341d9 8b18313ac88 898efe5a3030002 1542c5dae1) 306827fe91e8ffb 42d9db6107) 966ca61fce2c625 97dbafe22d)
Partial-Bug: 1547723
(cherry picked from commit 5cd08377899f3cb
(cherry picked from commit 05555818171901d
(cherry picked from commit b6ee6fd45588cef