recv call blocking in

Bug #850494 reported by sqqqrly
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

I am trying to use /usr/share/pyshared/gps/ I have gpsd running (gpsd -N -D8). A Garmin GPS is connected to ttyUSB0 via the devices serial output with a serial/usb converter. Using Mint 10, 64-bit on a vmware virtual machine. Host machine is ubuntu mav 64 bit. Running gpsd version 2.94 (revision 2010-05-17T16:11:43) on mint and mav. This problem happens every time tested.

When I run, it connects to gpsd, prints three lines (version, devices, and watch), and then blocks on recv, line 74 of

When I repeat this exercise on Ubuntu Mav, I get gps data streaming correctly.
On Mint, I also tried cpgs. It too fails, but with only the devices line. xgps displays the version line.

I next ran Mint:gpsd with -G option added (INADDR_ANY) and connected from Mav using cgps. Only initial preamble received. With -G, mint's cgps still fails.

Finally I ran gpsd on mav and cgps on mint. cgps failed to connect at all.

Here is the output of gpsd (mint) showing connecting:
mint dev # gpsd -N -D8 /dev/ttyUSB0
gpsd: launching (Version 2.94)
gpsd: opening IPv4 socket
gpsd: passivesock_af() -> 3
gpsd: opening IPv6 socket
gpsd: passivesock_af() -> 4
gpsd: listening on port gpsd
gpsd: NTPD shmat(0,0,0) succeeded, segment 0
gpsd: NTPD shmat(32769,0,0) succeeded, segment 1
gpsd: NTPD shmat(65538,0,0) succeeded, segment 2
gpsd: NTPD shmat(98307,0,0) succeeded, segment 3
gpsd: successfully connected to the DBUS system bus
gpsd: running with effective group ID 0
gpsd: running with effective user ID 0
gpsd: stashing device /dev/ttyUSB0 at slot 0
gpsd: select() {3 4} -> {} at 1316041274.798542
gpsd: select() {3 4} -> { 3 } at 1316041275.523800
gpsd: client (0) connect on fd 6
gpsd: => client(0): {"class":"VERSION","release":"2.94","rev":"2010-05-17T16:11:43","proto_major":3,"proto_minor":2}
gpsd: select() {3 4 6} -> { 6 } at 1316041275.523942
gpsd: checking client(0)
gpsd: <= client(0): ?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true}
json: json_read_object() sees '{"enable":true,"json":true}
json: Target address for class (offset 0) is (nil)
json: Target address for enable (offset 0) is 0x60b6f0
json: Target address for scaled (offset 0) is 0x60b6f8
json: Target address for timing (offset 0) is 0x60b6f9
json: Target address for device (offset 0) is 0x60b6fa
json: JSON parse of '{"enable":true,"json":true}
' begins.
json: State init , looking at '{' (0x7fff1d7a9497)
json: State await_attr , looking at '"' (0x7fff1d7a9498)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'e' (0x7fff1d7a9499)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'n' (0x7fff1d7a949a)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'a' (0x7fff1d7a949b)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'b' (0x7fff1d7a949c)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'l' (0x7fff1d7a949d)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'e' (0x7fff1d7a949e)
json: State in_attr , looking at '"' (0x7fff1d7a949f)
json: Collected attribute name enable
json: State await_value , looking at ':' (0x7fff1d7a94a0)
json: State await_value , looking at 't' (0x7fff1d7a94a1)
json: State in_val_token , looking at 'r' (0x7fff1d7a94a2)
json: State in_val_token , looking at 'u' (0x7fff1d7a94a3)
json: State in_val_token , looking at 'e' (0x7fff1d7a94a4)
json: State in_val_token , looking at ',' (0x7fff1d7a94a5)
json: Collected token value true.
json: State post_val , looking at ',' (0x7fff1d7a94a5)
json: Target address for enable (offset 0) is 0x60b6f0
json: State await_attr , looking at '"' (0x7fff1d7a94a6)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'j' (0x7fff1d7a94a7)
json: State in_attr , looking at 's' (0x7fff1d7a94a8)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'o' (0x7fff1d7a94a9)
json: State in_attr , looking at 'n' (0x7fff1d7a94aa)
json: State in_attr , looking at '"' (0x7fff1d7a94ab)
json: Collected attribute name json
json: State await_value , looking at ':' (0x7fff1d7a94ac)
json: State await_value , looking at 't' (0x7fff1d7a94ad)
json: State in_val_token , looking at 'r' (0x7fff1d7a94ae)
json: State in_val_token , looking at 'u' (0x7fff1d7a94af)
json: State in_val_token , looking at 'e' (0x7fff1d7a94b0)
json: State in_val_token , looking at '}' (0x7fff1d7a94b1)
json: Collected token value true.
json: State post_val , looking at '}' (0x7fff1d7a94b1)
json: Target address for json (offset 0) is 0x60b6f1
json: JSON parse ends.
gpsd: opening GPS data source type 3 at '/dev/ttyUSB0'
gpsd: speed 9600, 8N1
gpsd: => GPS: 2450415348512c5249442a32380d0a
gpsd: => GPS: @F0.3=1*67
gpsd: => GPS: @F2.2=1*64
gpsd: writing oncore control type Cj:4040436a290d0a
gpsd: => GPS: 4040436a290d0a
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 0299661c0800040200001203
gpsd: => GPS: 0299661c0800040200001203
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x1c (Test Support Block)
gpsd: Navcom: command 0x1c mode = 02, length = 0
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 029966200e000001ae02000071000000f203
gpsd: => GPS: 029966200e000001ae02000071000000f203
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x20 (Data Request) - data block id = ae at rate 00
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 029966200e00000186020a0071000000d003
gpsd: => GPS: 029966200e00000186020a0071000000d003
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x20 (Data Request) - data block id = 86 at rate 0a
gpsd: writing superstar2 control type 63 len 14:013fc008554750532d3030300403
gpsd: => GPS: 013fc008554750532d3030300403
gpsd: writing superstar2 control type 45 len 6:012dd2000001
gpsd: => GPS: 012dd2000001
gpsd: open(/dev/ttyUSB0) -> 7 in gpsd_open()
gpsd: Garmin: garmin_gps Linux USB module not active.
gpsd: Probing TSIP
gpsd: speed 9600, 8O1
gpsd: => GPS: 2450415348512c5249442a32380d0a
gpsd: => GPS: @F0.3=1*67
gpsd: => GPS: @F2.2=1*64
gpsd: writing oncore control type Cj:4040436a290d0a
gpsd: => GPS: 4040436a290d0a
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 0299661c0800040200001203
gpsd: => GPS: 0299661c0800040200001203
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x1c (Test Support Block)
gpsd: Navcom: command 0x1c mode = 02, length = 0
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 029966200e000001ae02000071000000f203
gpsd: => GPS: 029966200e000001ae02000071000000f203
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x20 (Data Request) - data block id = ae at rate 00
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 029966200e00000186020a0071000000d003
gpsd: => GPS: 029966200e00000186020a0071000000d003
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x20 (Data Request) - data block id = 86 at rate 0a
gpsd: writing superstar2 control type 63 len 14:013fc008554750532d3030300403
gpsd: => GPS: 013fc008554750532d3030300403
gpsd: writing superstar2 control type 45 len 6:012dd2000001
gpsd: => GPS: 012dd2000001
gpsd: speed 9600, 8N1
gpsd: => GPS: 2450415348512c5249442a32380d0a
gpsd: => GPS: @F0.3=1*67
gpsd: => GPS: @F2.2=1*64
gpsd: writing oncore control type Cj:4040436a290d0a
gpsd: => GPS: 4040436a290d0a
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 0299661c0800040200001203
gpsd: => GPS: 0299661c0800040200001203
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x1c (Test Support Block)
gpsd: Navcom: command 0x1c mode = 02, length = 0
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 029966200e000001ae02000071000000f203
gpsd: => GPS: 029966200e000001ae02000071000000f203
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x20 (Data Request) - data block id = ae at rate 00
gpsd: Navcom: command dump: 029966200e00000186020a0071000000d003
gpsd: => GPS: 029966200e00000186020a0071000000d003
gpsd: Navcom: sent command 0x20 (Data Request) - data block id = 86 at rate 0a
gpsd: writing superstar2 control type 63 len 14:013fc008554750532d3030300403
gpsd: => GPS: 013fc008554750532d3030300403
gpsd: writing superstar2 control type 45 len 6:012dd2000001
gpsd: => GPS: 012dd2000001
gpsd: no probe matched...
gpsd: gpsd_activate(): opened GPS (fd 7)
gpsd: flagging descriptor 7 in assign_channel()
gpsd: => client(0): {"class":"DEVICES","devices":[{"class":"DEVICE","path":"/dev/ttyUSB0","activated":1316041278.13,"native":0,"bps":9600,"parity":"N","stopbits":1,"cycle":1.00}]}\x0d\x0a{"class":"WATCH","enable":true,"json":true,"nmea":false,"raw":0,"scaled":false,"timing":false}
gpsd: select() {3 4 6 7} -> {} at 1316041279.135254
gpsd: select() {3 4 6 7} -> {} at 1316041280.136961
gpsd: select() {3 4 6 7} -> {} at 1316041281.138477

Here is (mint) output:
<dictwrapper: {'release': '2.94', 'proto_major': 3, 'rev': '2010-05-17T16:11:43', 'class': 'VERSION', 'proto_minor': 2}>
<dictwrapper: {'class': 'DEVICES', 'devices': [{'parity': 'N', 'activated': 1316041278.1300001, 'bps': 9600, 'stopbits': 1, 'path': '/dev/ttyUSB0', 'native': 0, 'class': 'DEVICE', 'cycle': 1.0}]}>
<dictwrapper: {'enable': True, 'scaled': False, 'raw': 0, 'json': True, 'nmea': False, 'timing': False, 'class': 'WATCH'}>
^CTraceback (most recent call last): <-- My C-c
  File "", line 371, in <module>
    for report in session:
  File "", line 318, in next
    if self.poll() == -1:
  File "", line 302, in poll
    status =
  File "/home/dohlemacher/py/gps/", line 74, in read
    frag = self.sock.recv(4096)

Tags: gpsd
affects: linuxmint → gpsd
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