feature request office Emergency (panic) button
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
GNUmed |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
- under Office menu as "Emergency" or "Panic" with Alt-E or Alt-P
- maybe a menu of its own as "911"
- maybe as an icon (if main menu permits icons) perhaps icon of ambulance with 911 on it
- if this idea works, alt-9?
- maybe should need confirmation (at least the return, or enter, or space bar, or maybe any key except cancellable with mouse click ona cancel icon)
- capacity to include / display originating username
- capacity to include / display machine location
- capacity to include in-focus patient?
- capacity to request staff call 911 / call for ambulance
- should maybe also sound alert (if PC has sound card)
- should maybe therefore, within the dialog, have a button giving the capacity to silence the sound alert on the local machine (perhaps whoever would first enter the exam room to help might do this)
- also of course the capacity to click a button to issue an "all clear"