I would like to re-confirm this is a valid bug, I'm trying to find what is the mistake, meanwhile I did a very small experiment with 0.3x version and after 18 reloads, gdesklets is stealing 10M to the system, so this is not to bad :-) however even that we've got to fix it because what about if you've got 5 desklets with 4M each and you reload them several times? I think you already guess the answer.
I would like to re-confirm this is a valid bug, I'm trying to find what is the mistake, meanwhile I did a very small experiment with 0.3x version and after 18 reloads, gdesklets is stealing 10M to the system, so this is not to bad :-) however even that we've got to fix it because what about if you've got 5 desklets with 4M each and you reload them several times? I think you already guess the answer.
30848 14m 6228 <= launch daemon with the shell
33492 18m 8972 <= launch the Clock desklet
33828 18m 8980 <= reload desklet
34356 19m 8980 <= reload desklet
34628 19m 8980 <= reload desklet
34900 19m 8980 <= reload desklet
35360 20m 8980 <= reload desklet
35584 20m 8980 <= reload desklet
35916 21m 8980 <= reload desklet
36380 21m 8980 <= reload desklet
36652 21m 8980 <= reload desklet
36920 21m 8980 <= reload desklet
#I deleted the desklet and re-execute the same through the shell
39960 23m 9192
40160 23m 9192 <= reload desklet
40436 23m 9192 <= reload desklet
40964 24m 9192 <= reload desklet
41232 24m 9192 <= reload desklet