Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 249ae123484ac9eb4ce74f9b741dea5c819a60b2 Author: Alex Schultz <email address hidden> Date: Tue Sep 8 13:16:00 2015 -0500
Remove zabbix from fuel-library
This change removes the zabbix tasks and configurations from fuel-library as they have been moved to a plugin.
Change-Id: I49cf6453d2248b7e285b9a72f6f7f952cbed5e21 Co-Authored-By: Piotr Misiak <email address hidden> Related-Bug: 1455664 Closes-Bug: 1483809
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/221440 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ fuel-library/ commit/ ?id=249ae123484 ac9eb4ce74f9b74 1dea5c819a60b2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 249ae123484ac9e b4ce74f9b741dea 5c819a60b2
Author: Alex Schultz <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 8 13:16:00 2015 -0500
Remove zabbix from fuel-library
This change removes the zabbix tasks and configurations from
fuel-library as they have been moved to a plugin.
Change-Id: I49cf6453d2248b 7e285b9a72f6f7f 952cbed5e21
Co-Authored-By: Piotr Misiak <email address hidden>
Related-Bug: 1455664
Closes-Bug: 1483809