Activity log for bug #1563850

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2016-03-30 12:56:21 Oleg S. Gelbukh bug added bug
2016-03-31 08:18:55 Oleg S. Gelbukh fuel: assignee Fuel Python Team (fuel-python)
2016-03-31 08:18:59 Oleg S. Gelbukh fuel: milestone 9.0
2016-03-31 08:19:07 Oleg S. Gelbukh nominated for series fuel/mitaka
2016-03-31 08:19:07 Oleg S. Gelbukh bug task added fuel/mitaka
2016-03-31 17:39:32 Roman Prykhodchenko tags team-upgrades
2016-03-31 17:39:43 Roman Prykhodchenko fuel/mitaka: importance Undecided High
2016-03-31 17:39:45 Roman Prykhodchenko fuel/mitaka: status New Confirmed
2016-04-04 10:21:43 Dmitry Pyzhov tags team-upgrades area-python team-upgrades
2016-04-05 12:43:07 slava valyavskiy fuel/mitaka: assignee Fuel Python Team (fuel-python) slava valyavskiy (slava-val-al)
2016-04-08 02:53:06 OpenStack Infra fuel: status Confirmed In Progress
2016-04-13 15:48:57 OpenStack Infra fuel: status In Progress Fix Committed
2016-04-13 15:59:56 OpenStack Infra fuel/mitaka: status Confirmed In Progress
2016-04-19 08:56:18 Fuel Devops McRobotson fuel: status Fix Committed In Progress
2016-04-19 08:56:18 Fuel Devops McRobotson fuel: milestone 9.0 10.0
2016-04-19 13:15:50 OpenStack Infra fuel/mitaka: status In Progress Fix Committed
2016-04-19 13:17:56 slava valyavskiy fuel: status In Progress Fix Committed
2016-06-15 13:25:40 Maksym Shalamov tags area-python team-upgrades area-python on-verification team-upgrades
2016-06-22 14:36:52 Oleg S. Gelbukh description Detailed bug description: The following commit introduces new fields into Nailgun DB without corresponding migration. This has potential to break upgrade process if old clusters don't have these fields (i.e. KeyError, compare to Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the Fuel Master node version 8.0 2. Create an environment with Ceph storage 3. Dump the Nailgun database to file 4. Install the Fuel Master node version 9.0 5. Upload the database dump into Nailgun database 6. Run nailgun_syncdb 7. Run: echo "SELECT attributes_metadata FROM clusters WHERE id=1;" | psql -At postgresql://nailgun@localhost/nailgun > file python -c "import json with open(\"tttttt\") as f: data = json.loads( print data['editable']['storage']['fsid']" Expected results: The JSON data field contents displayed. Actual result: KeyError: 'fsid' Reproducibility: Always Workaround: None Impact: Potential regression Description of the environment: Operation system: Ubuntu Versions of components: 9 Reference architecture: Ceph storage Network model: any Related projects installed: any Additional information: N/A Detailed bug description: The following commit introduces new fields into Nailgun DB without corresponding migration. This has potential to break upgrade process if old clusters don't have these fields (i.e. KeyError, compare to Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the Fuel Master node version 8.0 2. Create an environment with Ceph storage 3. Dump the Nailgun database to file 4. Install the Fuel Master node version 9.0 5. Upload the database dump into Nailgun database 6. Run nailgun_syncdb 7. Run:   echo "SELECT attributes_metadata FROM releases WHERE id=1;" | psql -At postgresql://nailgun@localhost/nailgun > file   python -c "import json   with open(\"tttttt\") as f:     data = json.loads(   print data['editable']['storage']['fsid']" Expected results: The JSON data field contents displayed. Actual result: KeyError: 'fsid' Reproducibility: Always Workaround: None Impact: Potential regression Description of the environment:  Operation system: Ubuntu  Versions of components: 9  Reference architecture: Ceph storage  Network model: any  Related projects installed: any Additional information:   N/A