At load, haproxy begins accumulating a large number of connections to
backend services stuck in TIME_WAIT state. Eventually, this leads to
stalled requests to OpenStack API services. http-server-close solves
that problem.
Change-Id: Ie405fe2d384d9d8375f60ad2c3c9885f41fe6d49
Closes-Bug: 1413104
(cherry picked from commit 6c6bfc35f779774141274579b948280518f57e2d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/152059 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ fuel-library/ commit/ ?id=f41f594850f b8ced89a2a29649 cd478492d2b29b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/6.0
commit f41f594850fb8ce d89a2a29649cd47 8492d2b29b
Author: Bartłomiej Piotrowski <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 26 11:06:08 2015 +0100
Use haproxy's http-server-close by default
At load, haproxy begins accumulating a large number of connections to
backend services stuck in TIME_WAIT state. Eventually, this leads to
stalled requests to OpenStack API services. http-server-close solves
that problem.
Change-Id: Ie405fe2d384d9d 8375f60ad2c3c98 85f41fe6d49 141274579b94828 0518f57e2d)
Closes-Bug: 1413104
(cherry picked from commit 6c6bfc35f779774