Compute node confuses eth interface number during deploy

Bug #1394466 reported by Sergey Galkin
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fuel for OpenStack
Fix Committed
Sebastian Kalinowski
Fix Committed
Sebastian Kalinowski

Bug Description

astute_sha: 65eb911c38afc0e23d187772f9a05f703c685896
auth_required: true
build_id: 2014-11-18_22-00-23
build_number: '114'
- mirantis
fuellib_sha: 5a5275370b33ab3b9a403728a1c7ad173289e4a0
fuelmain_sha: e556f0e1b00c30ec5c4b374ca2878c047c8686c2
nailgun_sha: b0add09c4361fee8fc70637c9a6ef42fbe738abe
ostf_sha: 82465a94eed4eff1fc8d8e1f2fb7e9993c22f068
production: docker
release: '6.0'

Steps to reproduce
1. Start deployment with 3 controllers in HA, and 97 compute nodes with ceph on CentOS with Neutron GRE

Deployment was failed because one node goes to offline

Log from jenkins job
01:31:27 2014-11-20 01:31:27,681 - python.http - DEBUG - PUT [{'interfaces': [{u'name': u'eth0', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'00:25:90:e3:43:08', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 182}, {u'name': u'eth1', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'00:25:90:e3:43:09', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 181}, {u'name': u'eth2', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'0c:c4:7a:1d:f1:e4', u'max_speed': 10000, u'current_speed': 10000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}, {u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}, {u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 180}, {u'name': u'eth3', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'0c:c4:7a:1d:f1:e5', u'max_speed': 10000, u'current_speed': 10000, u'assigned_networks': [], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 179}], 'id': 45}] to

Output from Fuel
[root@fuel init.d]# fuel nodes | grep error
45 | error | compute_77 | 1 | | 0c:c4:7a:1d:f1:e4 | ceph-osd, compute | | False | 1

As we see on attached screenshot from IPMI eth0 и eth1 confuses with eth2 and eth3

Tags: scale
Revision history for this message
Sergey Galkin (sgalkin) wrote :
Sergey Galkin (sgalkin)
summary: - Compute node confuses number of eth interfaces during deploy
+ Compute node confuses eth interface number during deploy
Revision history for this message
Mike Scherbakov (mihgen) wrote :

I've heard about same behavior (that node goes offline, and deployment fails) from a few sources already. Sergey, thanks for catching the interfaces issue! I hope we will be able to find a way to fix it in 6.0.

Changed in fuel:
milestone: none → 6.0
assignee: nobody → Fuel Library Team (fuel-library)
importance: Undecided → High
Revision history for this message
Matthew Mosesohn (raytrac3r) wrote :

Passing to fuel-python as Sergey Galkin wrote me saying he couldn't do it himself

Changed in fuel:
assignee: Fuel Library Team (fuel-library) → Fuel Python Team (fuel-python)
Revision history for this message
Sergey Galkin (sgalkin) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Dima Shulyak (dshulyak) wrote :

I see the reason why node is offline, netcfg/choose_interface for cobbler is misconfigured:

  'netcfg/choose_interface': '00:25:90:e3:43:08'

it should map to 0c:c4:7a:1d:f1:e4, we can fix it,

but i am struggling to understand right now,
what will happen with network configuration (which is done by l23network module)

Changed in fuel:
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Dima Shulyak (dshulyak) wrote :

We need to change code at:

to perform matching always in lower case

Changed in fuel:
status: Confirmed → Triaged
Changed in fuel:
assignee: Fuel Python Team (fuel-python) → Sebastian Kalinowski (prmtl)
status: Triaged → In Progress
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to fuel-web (master)

Fix proposed to branch: master

no longer affects: fuel/5.1.x
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to fuel-web (master)

Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master

commit dfe79d35a47a28873f271131cf2fdae7052e0713
Author: Sebastian Kalinowski <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 21 14:06:43 2014 +0100

    Always match lowercase MAC

    In some places we are making comparisons between MACs
    from different sources like:
    * from DB - those are lowercase strings
    * from other inputs - where we do not know if MAC will
      be lowercase, uppercase (or mixed) string
    We need to always lowercase string in DB queries.

    Also new utils function was created: is_same_mac to compare
    if MACs are equal. It uses netaddr.EUI internally.

    Change-Id: Idae5bc6009f857e72712afac04ffe174e73c7a87
    Closes-Bug: #1394466

Changed in fuel:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to fuel-web (stable/5.1)

Fix proposed to branch: stable/5.1

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to fuel-web (stable/5.1)

Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/5.1

commit 24b956d739e8e9d8f728701522c6fa8364526c45
Author: Sebastian Kalinowski <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 21 14:06:43 2014 +0100

    Always match lowercase MAC

    In some places we are making comparisons between MACs
    from different sources like:
    * from DB - those are lowercase strings
    * from other inputs - where we do not know if MAC will
      be lowercase, uppercase (or mixed) string
    We need to always lowercase string in DB queries.

    Also new utils function was created: is_same_mac to compare
    if MACs are equal. It uses netaddr.EUI internally.

    Change-Id: Idae5bc6009f857e72712afac04ffe174e73c7a87
    Closes-Bug: #1394466
    (cherry picked from commit dfe79d35a47a28873f271131cf2fdae7052e0713)

Revision history for this message
Leontiy Istomin (listomin) wrote :

Please, take a look at the screenshot and snapshot. The bug has been reproduced again.
controllers: 3
computes: 47

[root@fuel ~]# fuel --fuel-version
api: '1.0'
astute_sha: f7cda2171b0b677dfaeb59693d980a2d3ee4c3e0
auth_required: true
build_id: 2015-01-25_20-50-01
build_number: '48'
- mirantis
fuellib_sha: 9aa913096fb93ea4847ee14bfaf33597326886f3
fuelmain_sha: 0c4bec04c2ff7c75170108dd342cbd804a110678
nailgun_sha: c0a6ed9319048e907d7f696398262108b319bf11
ostf_sha: 3b57985d4d2155510894a1f6d03b478b201f7780
production: docker
release: 6.0.1
      api: '1.0'
      astute_sha: f7cda2171b0b677dfaeb59693d980a2d3ee4c3e0
      build_id: 2015-01-25_20-50-01
      build_number: '48'
      - mirantis
      fuellib_sha: 9aa913096fb93ea4847ee14bfaf33597326886f3
      fuelmain_sha: 0c4bec04c2ff7c75170108dd342cbd804a110678
      nailgun_sha: c0a6ed9319048e907d7f696398262108b319bf11
      ostf_sha: 3b57985d4d2155510894a1f6d03b478b201f7780
      production: docker
      release: 6.0.1

screenshot is attached

Revision history for this message
Łukasz Oleś (loles) wrote :

Snapshot from env

Revision history for this message
Alexander Nevenchannyy (anevenchannyy) wrote :

Hi, folks.

This looks like problems with udev.
Please remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules from node where this bug are reproduced and restart host. Repeat this 5 times with screenshots of ifconfig output.
If i'm right we will see a spontaneous change ethX binding to MAC address.

Revision history for this message
arogusskiy (arogusskiy) wrote :

Aleksander ( <email address hidden> ) suspects that was udev

Revision history for this message
Leontiy Istomin (listomin) wrote :

I performed some test:
fresh installation of fuel. 25 baremetal nodes have been discovered. On one of the nodes I could see the following:
Then I cleaned /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file and rebooted the node. the 2d and 4th interfaces were swapped:

fuel version:

Revision history for this message
Leontiy Istomin (listomin) wrote :

ok, previous test doesn't make sense. Another one:

fresh installation of fuel. 25 baremetal nodes have been discovered and deployed. On one of the compute nodes I could see the following:
Then I cleaned /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file and rebooted the node. I cleaned and rebooted 5 times:

No changes

Dmitry Pyzhov (dpyzhov)
no longer affects: fuel/6.0.x
Revision history for this message
Alexander Evseev (aevseev) wrote :

Same (?) bug with Fuel 6.1:

# fuel --fuel-version
DEPRECATION WARNING: /etc/fuel/client/config.yaml exists and will be used as the source for settings. This behavior is deprecated. Please specify the path to your custom settings file in the FUELCLIENT_CUSTOM_SETTINGS environment variable.
api: '1.0'
astute_sha: 04ebab96d57b0e8acbf2d7f3ba05e4fbf31b741e
auth_required: true
build_id: 2015-04-29_07-55-19
build_number: '361'
- mirantis
fuel-library_sha: 0e5b82d24853304befb22145ac4aaf3545d295e1
fuel-ostf_sha: b38602c841deaa03ddffc95c02f319360462cbe3
fuelmain_sha: ee112acfdd0f9017ef40be53e8e51bb5c429e97c
nailgun_sha: e660b1c09d7d4d07bdd48d424ce9aed3b6facd6e
openstack_version: 2014.2.2-6.1
production: docker
python-fuelclient_sha: 8cd6cf575d3c101dee1032abb6877dfa8487e077
release: '6.1'
      api: '1.0'
      astute_sha: 04ebab96d57b0e8acbf2d7f3ba05e4fbf31b741e
      build_id: 2015-04-29_07-55-19
      build_number: '361'
      - mirantis
      fuel-library_sha: 0e5b82d24853304befb22145ac4aaf3545d295e1
      fuel-ostf_sha: b38602c841deaa03ddffc95c02f319360462cbe3
      fuelmain_sha: ee112acfdd0f9017ef40be53e8e51bb5c429e97c
      nailgun_sha: e660b1c09d7d4d07bdd48d424ce9aed3b6facd6e
      openstack_version: 2014.2.2-6.1
      production: docker
      python-fuelclient_sha: 8cd6cf575d3c101dee1032abb6877dfa8487e077
      release: '6.1'

All nodes virtualized by KVM: Fuel-master, 1 Controller and 1 Compute. Neutron+VLAN, Ceph for all, Fedora LT kernel.

Removing UDEV rules and string with HWADDR in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 not matters.

Revision history for this message
Alexander Evseev (aevseev) wrote :

Deployment proceeded after running on both nodes "dhclient eth0 eth1"

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