Swarm test failed: https://product-ci.infra.mirantis.net/job/9.0.system_test.ubuntu.command_line/67/testReport/(root)/cli_selected_nodes_deploy/
ISO: 9.0-152
Snapshot: https://product-ci.infra.mirantis.net/job/9.0.system_test.ubuntu.command_line/67/artifact/logs/fail_error_cli_selected_nodes_deploy-fuel-snapshot-2016-04-03_22-30-01.tar.xz
1. Revert snapshot "ready_with_3_slaves"
2. Create a cluster using Fuel CLI
3. Provision a controller node using Fuel CLI
4. Provision two compute+cinder nodes using Fuel CLI
5. Deploy the controller node using Fuel CLI
6. Deploy the compute+cinder nodes usin Fuel CLI
node-1.test.domain.local 2016-04-03T22:27:36.782136 err: /bin/bash "/etc/puppet/shell_manifests/sync_time_command.sh" returned 1 instead of one of [0]
root@node-1:~# awk '/^server/ { if ($2 !~ /127\.127\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/) {ORS=" "; print $2}}' /etc/ntp.conf
But this address is not assigned to any host:
[root@nailgun ~]# for i in `seq 1 3` ; do ssh node-$i 'ifconfig | grep 109.1'; done
Warning: Permanently added 'node-1' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Warning: Permanently added 'node-2' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Warning: Permanently added 'node-3' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
[root@nailgun ~]# ifconfig | grep 109.1
[root@nailgun ~]#
After I switched (mgmt) to (admin) - all works fine:
root@node-1:~# bash /etc/puppet/shell_manifests/sync_time_command.sh ; echo $?
(This check performed automatically)
Please, make sure that bug description contains the following sections filled in with the appropriate data related to the bug you are describing:
actual result
expected result
For more detailed information on the contents of each of the listed sections see https:/ /wiki.openstack .org/wiki/ Fuel/How_ to_contribute# Here_is_ how_you_ file_a_ bug