Activity log for bug #467730

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2009-11-01 01:01:55 Jean-André Santoni bug added bug
2009-11-01 16:37:58 izhar bug task added fedora
2009-11-03 01:37:21 Tom Rothamel renpy: importance Undecided Medium
2009-11-03 01:37:25 Tom Rothamel renpy: status New Triaged
2009-11-03 01:37:31 Tom Rothamel renpy: assignee renpytom (renpytom)
2009-11-25 00:06:48 Jean-Alexandre Anglès d'Auriac bug task added ubuntu
2009-12-05 19:29:51 Tom Rothamel renpy: status Triaged In Progress
2009-12-09 22:31:07 Brian Murray affects ubuntu renpy (Ubuntu)
2009-12-11 03:37:58 Micah Gersten renpy (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Medium
2009-12-11 03:37:58 Micah Gersten renpy (Ubuntu): status New Triaged
2009-12-13 02:10:13 C-quel attachment added Add to /usr/share/games/renpy and the rest to /usr/games.
2010-08-10 06:23:59 Kiri tags lucid
2010-09-11 02:46:45 Brad Nakken removed subscriber Brad Nakken
2011-04-15 20:44:55 Hans Joachim Desserud renpy (Ubuntu): status Triaged Fix Released
2011-04-15 21:00:12 Tom Rothamel renpy: status In Progress Fix Released