Activity log for bug #309394

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2008-12-18 17:50:18 J. Pablo Fernández bug added bug
2008-12-18 17:50:18 J. Pablo Fernández bug added attachment 'Screenshot.png' (Screenshot.png)
2008-12-18 17:52:42 J. Pablo Fernández bug assigned to exaile (Ubuntu)
2009-04-11 23:30:14 Steve Dodier-Lazaro attachment added Menu entries wrongly sorted in xfce4-menu-plugin
2009-04-14 19:10:08 Johannes Sasongko summary Ordering of authors is not correct Alphabetic order of non-English tags
2009-04-14 19:15:18 Johannes Sasongko attachment added Patch to test
2009-04-14 19:16:08 Johannes Sasongko exaile: importance Undecided Medium
2009-04-14 19:16:08 Johannes Sasongko exaile: status New Confirmed
2009-06-17 20:16:07 Bburst attachment added patch2.diff
2009-07-27 10:46:37 Steve Dodier-Lazaro exaile: assignee Exaile Bug Day Events (exaile-bugday)
2009-07-29 13:59:18 Steve Dodier-Lazaro exaile (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2009-07-29 14:06:14 Steve Dodier-Lazaro exaile: milestone 0.3.0
2009-07-29 20:11:56 Bburst attachment added patch.diff
2009-08-24 17:24:15 Steve Dodier-Lazaro exaile: milestone 0.3.0
2009-08-24 19:01:37 Steve Dodier-Lazaro exaile: status Confirmed In Progress
2009-08-24 19:01:57 Steve Dodier-Lazaro attachment added Capture.png
2009-08-24 19:41:05 Bburst attachment added patch.diff
2009-08-24 20:14:46 Steve Dodier-Lazaro attachment added Special character still buggy with the patch from #19
2009-08-24 20:26:05 Lucas Di Pentima removed subscriber Lucas Di Pentima
2009-08-24 22:34:57 Bburst attachment added patch.diff
2009-09-06 23:56:58 reacocard exaile: milestone
2009-09-08 18:30:21 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:exaile
2009-09-08 19:36:08 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:exaile/0.3.0
2009-09-08 19:36:25 Johannes Sasongko exaile: status In Progress Fix Committed
2009-09-08 19:36:25 Johannes Sasongko exaile: assignee Exaile Bug Day Events (exaile-bugday) Bburst (bbaiyfb)
2009-10-27 19:54:28 Andrew Starr-Bochicchio exaile (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Triaged
2009-11-10 03:39:41 reacocard exaile: status Fix Committed Fix Released
2009-11-10 04:20:08 Launchpad Janitor exaile (Ubuntu): status Triaged Fix Released
2009-11-10 04:23:28 Andrew Starr-Bochicchio exaile (Ubuntu): assignee Andrew Starr-Bochicchio (andrewsomething)
2009-11-10 04:27:08 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:ubuntu/exaile
2010-04-18 20:36:57 Sebastian Schepens branch unlinked lp:exaile