Using Evergreen 2.7.3 on Postgres 9.1 and I still get this. I did a very simple report to give me a count of patron IDs where claimed return count is not null or blank and got :
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 3: ...ca9ecd516f33ec379ecc11aa7051"."claims_returned_count" <> '') ^ at /opt/sequoia/apps/evergreen/bin/ line 242.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT COUNT("fe21ca9ecd516f33ec379ecc11aa7051"."id") AS "User ID"
FROM actor.usr AS "fe21ca9ecd516f33ec379ecc11aa7051"
WHERE ("fe21ca9ecd516f33ec379ecc11aa7051"."claims_returned_count" IS NOT NULL AND "fe21ca9ecd516f33ec379ecc11aa7051"."claims_returned_count" <> '')
ORDER BY COUNT("fe21ca9ecd516f33ec379ecc11aa7051"."id") ASC
) limited_to_1048576_hits LIMIT 1048576
Using Evergreen 2.7.3 on Postgres 9.1 and I still get this. I did a very simple report to give me a count of patron IDs where claimed return count is not null or blank and got :
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 3: ...ca9ecd516f33 ec379ecc11aa705 1"."claims_ returned_ count" <> '') ^ at /opt/sequoia/ apps/evergreen/ bin/clark- line 242.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT COUNT(" fe21ca9ecd516f3 3ec379ecc11aa70 51"."id" ) AS "User ID" 33ec379ecc11aa7 051" f33ec379ecc11aa 7051"." claims_ returned_ count" IS NOT NULL AND "fe21ca9ecd516f 33ec379ecc11aa7 051"."claims_ returned_ count" <> '') fe21ca9ecd516f3 3ec379ecc11aa70 51"."id" ) ASC to_1048576_ hits LIMIT 1048576
FROM actor.usr AS "fe21ca9ecd516f
WHERE ("fe21ca9ecd516
) limited_
Is the SQL that's generated.