Web Client: Copy Buckets Default Sort Seems to be Random

Bug #1758381 reported by Scott Thomas
This bug affects 17 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Won't Fix
Won't Fix

Bug Description

In the Web Client, when adding barcodes to Copy Buckets by scanning them into Pending Copies, they appear in the grid below in seemingly random order. In XUL they appear, unless another sort order is applied, in reverse order by time entered. The random ordering is problematic especially when trying to double-check a large number of items (for instance after being scanned from a book truck. The fact that the columns are not-sortable compounds the problem. I added a comment about the general sorting issue to bug 1437104 leaving this bug for the random ordering upon entry.

tags: added: sorting
Elaine Hardy (ehardy)
Changed in evergreen:
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Jennifer Pringle (jpringle-u) wrote :

Confirmed that the random order and the inability to sort on the Pending Copies tab are both still present in 3.1

Revision history for this message
Jennifer Pringle (jpringle-u) wrote :

Based on preliminary testing the order may not be random but may in fact be sorting based on call number in 3.1.

Revision history for this message
Jennifer Pringle (jpringle-u) wrote :

Our libraries would prefer that they appear in the order they were entered so staff can double check that no items were missed.

Revision history for this message
Jennifer Weston (jweston) wrote :

Additional testing in 3.1 suggests sort order is based on Copy ID. Our libraries would also prefer that they appear in the order they were entered.

Revision history for this message
Rose Schooff (rschooff) wrote :

Our libraries also would like them to appear in the order they were scanned.

Remington Steed (rjs7)
Changed in evergreen:
importance: Undecided → Medium
Remington Steed (rjs7)
description: updated
tags: added: buckets
Revision history for this message
Jennifer Pringle (jpringle-u) wrote :

Confirming that scanning items into the Pending tab of Item Buckets still appears to sort them based on Copy ID (rather than displaying in the order scanned) in 3.3.3.

Revision history for this message
Jennifer Pringle (jpringle-u) wrote :

Confirmed still an issue in 3.5beta

Revision history for this message
Mike Rylander (mrylander) wrote :

Here's a branch that forces scan order on the pending tab: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/miker/lp-1758381-copy-bucket-pending-order

From the commit message:

The order of rows in the pending list of copy buckets is currently undefined and, due to the way the query is constructed, looks random. This commit adds the ability to force a specific order on the contents of a grid and uses that ability to match the grid row order to the scan order.

tags: added: pullrequest
Michele Morgan (mmorgan)
Changed in evergreen:
milestone: none → 3.5.1
Changed in evergreen:
assignee: nobody → Terran McCanna (tmccanna)
Revision history for this message
Jennifer Weston (jweston) wrote :

Tested patch Terran loaded to test server. It does indeed appear to now order the items in the order scanned. Success! One note - XUL used to do this in reverse order by time entered. It was helpful to have the last one scanned at the top of the list rather than at the bottom but I'm not sure that's a show-stopper. Order scanned whether direct or reverse is certainly an improvement.
+1 to signing off on this as it is

Revision history for this message
Terran McCanna (tmccanna) wrote :

Thank you to Jennifer Weston, Jennifer Pringle, and Elaine Hardy for assisting in testing. I have added my sign off to:


We will discuss the related questions at the next catalogers interest group meeting.

tags: added: signedoff
Changed in evergreen:
assignee: Terran McCanna (tmccanna) → nobody
Changed in evergreen:
milestone: 3.5.1 → 3.5.2
Galen Charlton (gmc)
Changed in evergreen:
assignee: nobody → Galen Charlton (gmc)
Galen Charlton (gmc)
tags: added: needsrepatch
removed: pullrequest signedoff
Revision history for this message
Galen Charlton (gmc) wrote :

This needs more work, as it breaks the grid if the user does one of the following:

- scan more items than the current row count limit
- reduces the row count limit to less than the number of items that have been scanned to date

There are at least two problems:

- The forceOrder processing makes $scope.item end up with as many rows as are in the pending list, not number of rows that are desired for display. The extra undefined objects in the array break the grid.
- Even if we try to fix the first problem, the fielder call doesn't guarantee that we'll get back all of the copies we're looking for, as it passes the ids of all of the copies in the pending list, but relies on the DB query's limit and offset clauses to return the desired copies; however, there's no guarantee that they'll match up.

Changed in evergreen:
assignee: Galen Charlton (gmc) → nobody
Revision history for this message
Jennifer Weston (jweston) wrote :

Holding on repatch to fix grid breakage. No strong preference from CWG conversations relating to direct order versus reverse order. Direct order will be fine. We would like to see the order retained when transferring from pending into copy bucket.

Revision history for this message
Wanangwa Hartwell (whartwell) wrote :

I know I'm a little late on this discussion, but I do like the most recently scanned at the top. It makes it much easier to check, especially if you're scanning more items than what the field is set to show at the time.

Changed in evergreen:
milestone: 3.5.2 → 3.6.1
Changed in evergreen:
milestone: 3.6.1 → 3.6.2
Changed in evergreen:
milestone: 3.6.2 → 3.6.3
Changed in evergreen:
milestone: 3.6.3 → none
tags: removed: webstaffclient
Revision history for this message
Christine Burns (christine-burns) wrote :

Confirmed still an issue in 3.7beta

Elaine Hardy (ehardy)
tags: added: buckets-item
removed: buckets
tags: added: needswork
removed: needsrepatch
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