In Jamendo plugin songs change when re-entered the option

Bug #387853 reported by Sudesh
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Jamendo plugin for elisa

Bug Description

In Jamendo plugin when entered any option like Jamendo->Albums->Most popular , if we go back and re-enter the option the songs change.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Launch Moovida
2.Goto Music->Jamendo->Albums->Most popular
3.Go back , again re-enter Most popular

Expected Result : Most popular songs remain same

Current Result : Songs change every time we enter the option

affects: elisa → elisa-plugin-jamendo
Revision history for this message
Sudesh (sudeshc-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

Here is stack trace:
Unhandled error in Deferred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa_plugin_poblesec-0.15.egg\elisa\plugins\poblesec\base\", line 208, in node_renderer

  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa_plugin_poblesec-0.15.egg\elisa\plugins\poblesec\base\", line 169, in node_renderer

  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa_plugin_poblesec-0.15.egg\elisa\plugins\poblesec\", line 349, in get_image

  File "C:\Program Files\Moovida\deps\lib\site-packages\twisted\internet\", line 182, in addCallbacks

--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "C:\Program Files\Moovida\deps\lib\site-packages\twisted\internet\", line 317, in _runCallbacks

  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa_plugin_poblesec-0.15.egg\elisa\plugins\poblesec\", line 337, in got_image_uri

  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa_plugin_poblesec-0.15.egg\elisa\plugins\poblesec\", line 80, in _get_thumbnail

  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa-1.0.3.egg\elisa\core\", line 176, in get

  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa-1.0.3.egg\elisa\core\", line 145, in _proxy

  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa_plugin_jamendo-0.2.egg\elisa\plugins\jamendo\", line 96, in get

  File "c:\users\sean doé\.moovida\plugins\elisa_plugin_jamendo-0.2.egg\elisa\plugins\jamendo\", line 212, in _get_raw

  File "c:\program files\moovida\elisa-plugins\elisa\plugins\http_client\", line 227, in request

  File "c:\program files\moovida\elisa-plugins\elisa\plugins\http_client\", line 242, in request_full

  File "c:\program files\moovida\elisa-plugins\elisa\plugins\http_client\", line 302, in _queue_request

  File "c:\program files\moovida\elisa-plugins\elisa\plugins\http_client\", line 335, in _submit_next_request

  File "c:\program files\moovida\elisa-plugins\elisa\plugins\http_client\extern\", line 320, in submitRequest


Revision history for this message
David McLeod (mucx) wrote :

Yes, firstly 'Most Popular Albums' suggests a section that is ever changing. You are actually seeing evidence that the website and service is working as album popularity (as per your bug description) has risen or fallen in a space of a few seconds.

Should the popularity change so fast? I suppose this might be dependent on a few factors but mainly, the more people using the service and adding play counts to things will slow down the amount of changing of positions in 'Popular Albums' or other similar places? Does the website reflect this fast moving change as well?

Revision history for this message
Anna Wojdel (awojdel) wrote : Re: [Bug 387853] Re: In Jamendo plugin songs change when re-entered the option

In fact, (just checked in the code) we fetch 200 most popular
albums/artist and return 50 of them picked randomly. That's why the
selection of most popular albums/artists is changing all the time.


Mucx wrote:
> Yes, firstly 'Most Popular Albums' suggests a section that is ever
> changing. You are actually seeing evidence that the website and service
> is working as album popularity (as per your bug description) has risen
> or fallen in a space of a few seconds.
> Should the popularity change so fast? I suppose this might be dependent
> on a few factors but mainly, the more people using the service and
> adding play counts to things will slow down the amount of changing of
> positions in 'Popular Albums' or other similar places? Does the website
> reflect this fast moving change as well?

Revision history for this message
David McLeod (mucx) wrote :

Ok, I think we should take the top 50 only....not at random from 200.
Alternatively we could do all 200 but we would need the Quickscroll in place.

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