Activity log for bug #957447

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2012-03-16 21:36:33 Danielle Foré bug added bug
2012-03-16 21:36:40 Danielle Foré elementaryos: milestone luna-beta1
2012-03-16 21:38:52 Danielle Foré description Luna 20120314 there appears to be no notify-osd. I don't get bubbles for new messages in empathy and when I use media keys I see the GNOME notification thingy. Luna 20120314 there appears to be no notify-osd. I don't get bubbles for new messages in empathy and when I use media keys I see the GNOME notification thingy. Notify-OSD does appear to be installed, but for some reason it's not being used.
2012-03-27 17:35:33 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff elementaryos: importance Undecided High
2012-03-27 17:35:37 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff elementaryos: status New Confirmed
2012-03-27 17:35:39 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff elementaryos: status Confirmed Fix Committed
2012-04-21 13:08:04 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff elementaryos: status Fix Committed Fix Released