Activity log for bug #733837
Date | Who | What changed | Old value | New value | Message |
2011-03-12 14:03:46 | Blake Kostner | bug | added bug | ||
2011-03-12 14:04:25 | Blake Kostner | visibility | private | public | |
2011-03-12 14:19:40 | Blake Kostner | description | there is not install in the dock, but if I click the one in administration then nothing happens | there is no install in the dock, but if I click the one in administration then nothing happens | |
2011-03-12 15:03:02 | Avi Romanoff | summary | unable to run install when using a live cd | Ubiquity doesn't start when launched from gnome-panel | |
2011-03-12 22:03:16 | Avi Romanoff | elementaryos: status | New | Fix Committed | |
2011-03-12 22:03:19 | Avi Romanoff | elementaryos: milestone | 0.1-rc | ||
2011-03-12 22:03:21 | Avi Romanoff | elementaryos: assignee | Avi Romanoff (aroman) | ||
2011-03-18 22:07:10 | Avi Romanoff | elementaryos: status | Fix Committed | Fix Released |