
Activity log for bug #319669

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2009-01-21 16:53:32 Niall Murphy bug added bug
2009-01-27 06:48:41 Γουργιώτης Γιώργος (aka Gourgi) do: status New Confirmed
2009-01-27 06:48:41 Γουργιώτης Γιώργος (aka Gourgi) do: statusexplanation actually this happens with all themes except Docky screenshot attached
2009-01-27 06:48:56 Γουργιώτης Γιώργος (aka Gourgi) bug added attachment 'thumbnails.jpeg' (thumbnails.jpeg)
2009-03-01 23:09:36 Jason Smith do: importance Undecided Low
2009-03-01 23:09:36 Jason Smith do: assignee jassmith
2009-03-01 23:09:36 Jason Smith do: statusexplanation actually this happens with all themes except Docky screenshot attached
2010-11-26 22:24:30 Γουργιώτης Γιώργος (aka Gourgi) removed subscriber Γουργιώτης Γιώργος (aka Gourgi)