Activity log for bug #290526

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2008-10-29 01:11:12 Nicola Ferralis bug added bug
2008-10-29 01:12:00 Nicola Ferralis bug assigned to dell-mini
2008-10-29 01:12:17 Nicola Ferralis firefox-3.0: status New Invalid
2008-10-29 01:12:17 Nicola Ferralis firefox-3.0: statusexplanation
2008-11-06 22:47:51 Pat McGowan dell-mini: status New Incomplete
2008-11-06 22:47:51 Pat McGowan dell-mini: statusexplanation The Windows key is indeed what was mapped for this function. We may need more information specific to your system if it is not working for you such as have you modified any software or config are you system.
2008-12-09 00:53:17 Brian Chidester dell-mini: status Incomplete Confirmed
2008-12-09 00:53:17 Brian Chidester dell-mini: statusexplanation The Windows key is indeed what was mapped for this function. We may need more information specific to your system if it is not working for you such as have you modified any software or config are you system.
2015-08-24 18:57:54 Kaihsu Tai removed subscriber Kaihsu Tai