With --quiet as Paride suggested works:
| ubuntu@machine-0:/etc$ sudo vi /etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf | ubuntu@machine-0:/etc$ sudo touch testing-etckeeper2 | ubuntu@machine-0:/etc$ sudo etckeeper commit "daily autocommit" >/dev/null | ubuntu@machine-0:/etc$
Could this be made the default? This makes it consistent with git:
| ubuntu@juju-87625f-hloeung-120:/etc$ sudo touch testing-etckeeper | ubuntu@juju-87625f-hloeung-120:/etc$ sudo etckeeper commit "daily autocommit" >/dev/null | ubuntu@juju-87625f-hloeung-120:/etc$ sudo git status | On branch master | nothing to commit, working tree clean | ubuntu@juju-87625f-hloeung-120:/etc$
As in, etckeeper with git doesn't output anything on daily autocommit. With bzr, it currently does.
With --quiet as Paride suggested works:
| BZR_COMMIT_ OPTIONS= "--quiet"
| ubuntu@ machine- 0:/etc$ sudo vi /etc/etckeeper/ etckeeper. conf machine- 0:/etc$ sudo touch testing-etckeeper2 machine- 0:/etc$ sudo etckeeper commit "daily autocommit" >/dev/null machine- 0:/etc$
| ubuntu@
| ubuntu@
| ubuntu@
Could this be made the default? This makes it consistent with git:
| ubuntu@ juju-87625f- hloeung- 120:/etc$ sudo touch testing-etckeeper juju-87625f- hloeung- 120:/etc$ sudo etckeeper commit "daily autocommit" >/dev/null juju-87625f- hloeung- 120:/etc$ sudo git status juju-87625f- hloeung- 120:/etc$
| ubuntu@
| ubuntu@
| On branch master
| nothing to commit, working tree clean
| ubuntu@
As in, etckeeper with git doesn't output anything on daily autocommit. With bzr, it currently does.