I just failed to enable Desktop Effects on my Karmic system, so I can't try the suggestion out for you.
However, a four step repro instruction is at the top of this bug report, so you should be able to try this on your own machine.
Basically, I really want windows to snap to edges and to each other. Because of this bug however, snapping in Compiz is just frustrating and hard to understand.
Unfortunately I can't see how changing the snap distance as suggested in the other bug report would change this. It would make the brokenness less visible, but it would still be broken and get in the way. What I want is a usable and helpful snapping implementation like the one in Metacity, not a broken one like the one in Compiz.
Hi David!
I just failed to enable Desktop Effects on my Karmic system, so I can't try the suggestion out for you.
However, a four step repro instruction is at the top of this bug report, so you should be able to try this on your own machine.
Basically, I really want windows to snap to edges and to each other. Because of this bug however, snapping in Compiz is just frustrating and hard to understand.
Unfortunately I can't see how changing the snap distance as suggested in the other bug report would change this. It would make the brokenness less visible, but it would still be broken and get in the way. What I want is a usable and helpful snapping implementation like the one in Metacity, not a broken one like the one in Compiz.