Here's the correction; it only involves the function UI::ScrollSet from libs/UI.tcl:
# UI::ScrollSet --
# Command for auto hide/show scrollbars.
# 12th June 2009
# corrected a bug (badly but..hey, it works!) by Mirko Graziani (<email address hidden>)
# The problem is: scrollbars take the focus when they appear.
# My solution is:
# i'll remember which object had focus before the scrollbar became visible,
# and re-set the focus on the correct object everytime this funcion is called.
# Maybe setting focus *every* time is redundant, and could be not very elegant,
# but i know too little Coccinella source code to filter the cases.
# for some other info, see Coccinella bug:
proc ::UI::ScrollSet {wscrollbar geocmd offset size} {
# get the geometry manager
set manager [lindex $geocmd 0]
# Create the name for the focus
set wfocus $wscrollbar.focus
# that name must survive
global $wfocus
if {($offset != 0.0) || ($size != 1.0)} {
# If the scrollbar hasn't a geomanager,
# it means that this time it will appear (and get a geomanager)
# then i record the name of the current focused object
if {[string equal [$manager info $wscrollbar] ""]} {
set $wfocus [focus]
eval $geocmd
$wscrollbar set $offset $size
} else {
$manager forget $wscrollbar
# Whatever would happen, i always will set the focus
# on the "current focused object" recorded in the lines above.
if {[info exists $wfocus]} {
focus [set $wfocus]
Here's the correction; it only involves the function UI::ScrollSet from libs/UI.tcl:
# UI::ScrollSet --
# Command for auto hide/show scrollbars.
# 12th June 2009 /bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 297970
# corrected a bug (badly but..hey, it works!) by Mirko Graziani (<email address hidden>)
# The problem is: scrollbars take the focus when they appear.
# My solution is:
# i'll remember which object had focus before the scrollbar became visible,
# and re-set the focus on the correct object everytime this funcion is called.
# Maybe setting focus *every* time is redundant, and could be not very elegant,
# but i know too little Coccinella source code to filter the cases.
# for some other info, see Coccinella bug: https:/
proc ::UI::ScrollSet {wscrollbar geocmd offset size} {
# get the geometry manager
set manager [lindex $geocmd 0]
# Create the name for the focus
set wfocus $wscrollbar.focus
# that name must survive
global $wfocus
if {($offset != 0.0) || ($size != 1.0)} {
# If the scrollbar hasn't a geomanager,
# it means that this time it will appear (and get a geomanager)
# then i record the name of the current focused object
if {[string equal [$manager info $wscrollbar] ""]} {
set $wfocus [focus]
eval $geocmd
$wscrollbar set $offset $size
} else {
$manager forget $wscrollbar
# Whatever would happen, i always will set the focus
# on the "current focused object" recorded in the lines above.
if {[info exists $wfocus]} {
focus [set $wfocus]