This bug was fixed in the package horizon - 3:18.0.1~git2020021409.bb959361b-0ubuntu3~cloud0
horizon (3:18.0.1~git2020021409.bb959361b-0ubuntu3~cloud0) bionic-ussuri; urgency=medium
* New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
horizon (3:18.0.1~git2020021409.bb959361b-0ubuntu3) focal; urgency=medium
* d/rules: Force regeneration of SOURCES.txt to ensure that generated
django{js}.mo files are included in binary packages, resolving issues
with translations (LP: #1862343).
This bug was fixed in the package horizon - 3:18.0. 1~git2020021409 .bb959361b- 0ubuntu3~ cloud0
horizon (3:18.0. 1~git2020021409 .bb959361b- 0ubuntu3~ cloud0) bionic-ussuri; urgency=medium 1~git2020021409 .bb959361b- 0ubuntu3) focal; urgency=medium
* New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
horizon (3:18.0.
* d/rules: Force regeneration of SOURCES.txt to ensure that generated
django{js}.mo files are included in binary packages, resolving issues
with translations (LP: #1862343).