* d/p/bug1823038.patch: Cherry pick fix to ensure that None is not
passed as an argument when spawning the neutron-keepalived-state-change
agent (LP: #1823038).
* d/p/fix-KeyError-in-OVS-firewall.patch: Cherry-picked from upstream
to prevent neutron ovs agent from crashing due to creation of two
security groups that both use the same remote security group, where
the first group's port range is a subset of the second (LP: #1813007).
* d/p/set-initial-ha-router-state-in-neutron-keepalived-st.patch:
Cherry-picked from upstream stable/rocky branch to ensure proper
detection of MASTER HA router by neutron-keepalived-state-change
(LP: #1818614).
This bug was fixed in the package neutron - 2:12.0.5-0ubuntu4
neutron (2:12.0.5-0ubuntu4) bionic; urgency=medium
* d/p/bug1823038.patch: Cherry pick fix to ensure that None is not keepalived- state-change
passed as an argument when spawning the neutron-
agent (LP: #1823038).
neutron (2:12.0.5-0ubuntu3) bionic; urgency=medium
* d/p/fix- KeyError- in-OVS- firewall. patch: Cherry-picked from upstream initial- ha-router- state-in- neutron- keepalived- st.patch: keepalived- state-change
to prevent neutron ovs agent from crashing due to creation of two
security groups that both use the same remote security group, where
the first group's port range is a subset of the second (LP: #1813007).
* d/p/set-
Cherry-picked from upstream stable/rocky branch to ensure proper
detection of MASTER HA router by neutron-
(LP: #1818614).
-- James Page <email address hidden> Tue, 09 Apr 2019 10:59:22 +0100