commit 805368e902ada4c63e2e6e4d6692cf8cc2531a1e
Author: Marc Methot <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 16 12:37:28 2018 -0400
Handling unexpected python error "NoneType object is not iterable"
The glance documentation states that None (empty image) is a valid
return value. We have to handle this outcome. Adding error handling
helps debugging this unhandled issue
Change-Id: If7c22ac4516f8c2a6ccd8bf6b6ed98409312b138
Closes-Bug: #1798147
(cherry picked from commit d3afc39467c6532344118e8e491409878da9c2dd)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/618978 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ cinder/ commit/ ?id=805368e902a da4c63e2e6e4d66 92cf8cc2531a1e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 805368e902ada4c 63e2e6e4d6692cf 8cc2531a1e
Author: Marc Methot <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 16 12:37:28 2018 -0400
Handling unexpected python error "NoneType object is not iterable"
The glance documentation states that None (empty image) is a valid
return value. We have to handle this outcome. Adding error handling
helps debugging this unhandled issue
Change-Id: If7c22ac4516f8c 2a6ccd8bf6b6ed9 8409312b138 344118e8e491409 878da9c2dd)
Closes-Bug: #1798147
(cherry picked from commit d3afc39467c6532