Check that you have the [nova] section in cinder.conf set right? From the log it appears this fails since we are unable to figure out where nova is, which is required in order to move a volume that is attached.
The configuration file did not come with a [nova] section and I cant find a [nova] in any of the reference configuration files. Can you link to documentation on this section or provide an example configuration file that includes it?
Thank for providing that for me. I'll take a look at what I can accomplish with that. I look forward to seeing that extra documentation, if you can find it.
I don't know if this is in the direction of a solution but, adding the [nova] section with interface = admin changes the error to what is in the attached log. Commenting out the following lines in my cinder.conf returns the old error during migration.
Check that you have the [nova] section in cinder.conf set right? From the log it appears this fails since we are unable to figure out where nova is, which is required in order to move a volume that is attached.