Need to rewire provider-specific tests in the storage charm
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
storage (Juju Charms Collection) |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
After refactoring the code in the storage charm to be a little more straightforward, the tests had to be unwired.
They need to be rewired to the top-level MAkefile "test" target somehow.
I think the rewiring is the easy part of the problem: the provider-specific unit tests should probably live in the storage-
- We can always hack away, but running the tests there (cd storage-
- Another option would be to put the provider-specific tests in the top-level directories... but in this case we can't import the things we're trying to test.
So I guess we need to tweak $PYTHONPATH in the test runner invocation to include the provider-specific folders in $PYTHONPATH, then imports should by "jumping" into storage-
Of course, we can always use "imp", but then we can't argue that juju is distilling best practices anymore :)