New Charm Submission for autotest

Bug #1516654 reported by Michael Reed
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Juju Charms Collection
Fix Released

Bug Description

The propose of this Charm is to provide the autotest framework to execute client tests.

Revision history for this message
Review Queue (review-queue) wrote : AWS Test Results: New Charm Submission for autotest

This item has failed automated testing! Results available here

Revision history for this message
Review Queue (review-queue) wrote : LXC Test Results: New Charm Submission for autotest

This item has failed automated testing! Results available here

Revision history for this message
Konstantinos Tsakalozos (kos.tsakalozos) wrote :

There are a couple of problems found in the tests of this charm:
1. bundletester is not able to find and deploy the the charm because the deployer-autotest_amd64.yaml ( ) references a local charm. Instead it should reference the autotest charm available from a public repository something like:
               charm: lp:~<user>/<branch>/autotest

2. The units should be accessed like this: d.sentry.unit['autotest'][0] instead of d.sentry.unit['autotest/0']

You can have a look at the fixes in this branch:
Unfortunately, I still couldn't make it to pass the tests.

In terms of functionality the charm is deployable and a couple of actions I tried looked fine. So, to the best of my understanding the charm works but the charm tests need some more work.

Thank you for your effort, almost there.

Changed in charms:
status: New → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Michael Reed (mreed8855) wrote :

I pushed the changes call the charm from cs:~mreed8855/trusty/autotest and I updated the amulet tests to reference units correctly.

Changed in charms:
status: In Progress → New
Revision history for this message
Konstantinos Tsakalozos (kos.tsakalozos) wrote :

Hi Michael.

Thank you for your effort. The charm looks good and the tests run fine (although the 3.5 hours time-out looked a bit scary). Make sure you have the latest version of your charm pushed to cs:~mreed8855/trusty/autotest and we will take it form here :)

Good work and apologies for the delay.

Revision history for this message
Cory Johns (johnsca) wrote :

This has been promulgated and is now available in the store ( and deployable as cs:trusty/autotest

Changed in charms:
status: New → Fix Released
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