Based on troubleshooting steps performed I can say that in current version of charms whenever any configuration in neutron-api-plugin-ovn is changed and "neutron-api" reads it, it triggers neutron-server restart. Also if any configuration is changed at the time of upgrade-charm actions (f.e. juju refresh ...) it also triggers restart of neutron server. Would you mind to provide some specific examples where ml2_conf.ini was changed and no restart was triggered?
Based on troubleshooting steps performed I can say that in current version of charms whenever any configuration in neutron- api-plugin- ovn is changed and "neutron-api" reads it, it triggers neutron-server restart. Also if any configuration is changed at the time of upgrade-charm actions (f.e. juju refresh ...) it also triggers restart of neutron server. Would you mind to provide some specific examples where ml2_conf.ini was changed and no restart was triggered?