commit 47d76283c5c7c121f39c80aa6527b39bd7e6a5dd
Author: Billy Olsen <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 21 18:32:07 2021 -0700
Revert "Group cinder-volume services using cluster config"
This reverts commit 2603a774b112dc6e25f9e7b2071124ea3d3d0012, which
converted cinder to use cluster configuration for stateless services.
While well-intentioned, this causes problems due to the lack of a
proper migration for those backends which are not able to support
ACTIVE-ACTIVE configuration.
Configurations that do not support ACTIVE_ACTIVE driver will have the
volume service fail to start, which will cause a service outage.
Change-Id: I7bf4baaf80e5bb58b5c1cf55a2065f3bc50dbced
Related-Bug: #1945239
(cherry picked from commit c5896a884a54d0171415d79a82a284e2ff6b2ca9)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /charm- cinder/ +/814939 /opendev. org/openstack/ charm-cinder/ commit/ 47d76283c5c7c12 1f39c80aa6527b3 9bd7e6a5dd
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/21.10
commit 47d76283c5c7c12 1f39c80aa6527b3 9bd7e6a5dd
Author: Billy Olsen <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 21 18:32:07 2021 -0700
Revert "Group cinder-volume services using cluster config"
This reverts commit 2603a774b112dc6 e25f9e7b2071124 ea3d3d0012, which
converted cinder to use cluster configuration for stateless services.
While well-intentioned, this causes problems due to the lack of a
proper migration for those backends which are not able to support
ACTIVE-ACTIVE configuration.
Configurations that do not support ACTIVE_ACTIVE driver will have the
volume service fail to start, which will cause a service outage.
Change-Id: I7bf4baaf80e5bb 58b5c1cf55a2065 f3bc50dbced 71415d79a82a284 e2ff6b2ca9)
Related-Bug: #1945239
(cherry picked from commit c5896a884a54d01