Activity log for bug #57644
Date | Who | What changed | Old value | New value | Message |
2006-08-25 01:17:13 | Bob Tanner | bug | added bug | ||
2006-10-10 06:19:11 | John A Meinel | bzr: status | Unconfirmed | Confirmed | |
2006-10-10 06:19:11 | John A Meinel | bzr: importance | Undecided | Wishlist | |
2006-10-10 06:19:11 | John A Meinel | bzr: statusexplanation | When using pycurl, a 403 is just treated as an error code that we should never get. Certainly we could format a nicer error declaring that we got '403 Forbidden' and print out the url that failed. Probably we are doing everything correct, except that we are printing "Unable to handle http code". We are actually handling it by reporting it to the user, along with the url. | ||
2006-10-13 07:49:30 | Vincent Ladeuil | bzr: status | Confirmed | In Progress | |
2006-10-13 07:49:30 | Vincent Ladeuil | bzr: assignee | v-ladeuil | ||
2006-10-13 07:49:30 | Vincent Ladeuil | bzr: statusexplanation | When using pycurl, a 403 is just treated as an error code that we should never get. Certainly we could format a nicer error declaring that we got '403 Forbidden' and print out the url that failed. Probably we are doing everything correct, except that we are printing "Unable to handle http code". We are actually handling it by reporting it to the user, along with the url. | I need some modifications already done in ~bzr/bzr/bzr.urllib.keepalive branch to write the tests, so I'll fix it there. | |
2006-10-25 06:05:50 | Vincent Ladeuil | bzr: status | In Progress | Fix Committed | |
2006-10-25 06:05:50 | Vincent Ladeuil | bzr: statusexplanation | I need some modifications already done in ~bzr/bzr/bzr.urllib.keepalive branch to write the tests, so I'll fix it there. | New target 0.13 | |
2006-11-21 08:27:07 | Vincent Ladeuil | bzr: status | Fix Committed | Fix Released | |
2006-11-21 08:27:07 | Vincent Ladeuil | bzr: statusexplanation | New target 0.13 |