Oh! On re-reading this, I see that the recipe in this bug description is actually trying to nest a file from the same branch, i.e. a file that already exists at a different path. So this is abusing nest-part to try be 'cp'. I don't think this is something that nest-part should support. If this is really worth doing, we should add a 'cp' (or 'mv'?) directive for it.
Which is indeed trying to nest just one file from another branch. That seems reasonable to me (although hopefully most cases of this can be addressed with the 'merge' directive).
Oh! On re-reading this, I see that the recipe in this bug description is actually trying to nest a file from the same branch, i.e. a file that already exists at a different path. So this is abusing nest-part to try be 'cp'. I don't think this is something that nest-part should support. If this is really worth doing, we should add a 'cp' (or 'mv'?) directive for it.
I see the current (failing) recipe on <https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~nginx/ +recipe/ nginx-nightly> does have lines like the ones I was thinking of, e.g.:
nest-part readme lp:nginx/stable docs/text/README README
Which is indeed trying to nest just one file from another branch. That seems reasonable to me (although hopefully most cases of this can be addressed with the 'merge' directive).