I actually used 0.4 and got same errors.
Here is the recepie:
# bzr-builder format 0.4 deb-version {debversion}+r{revno}.{revno:packaging} lp:libindi nest-part cmake_module lp:~mutlaqja/libindi/cmake_modules . cmake_modules nest-part packaging lp:~mutlaqja/libindi/packaging libindi debian
Error with debversion here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/183237070/buildlog.txt.gz
I tried changed {debversion} to {debversion:packaging} and got this:
What am I doing wrong?
I actually used 0.4 and got same errors.
Here is the recepie:
# bzr-builder format 0.4 deb-version {debversion} +r{revno} .{revno: packaging}
nest-part cmake_module lp:~mutlaqja/libindi/cmake_modules . cmake_modules
nest-part packaging lp:~mutlaqja/libindi/packaging libindi debian
Error with debversion here: /launchpadlibra rian.net/ 183237070/ buildlog. txt.gz
I tried changed {debversion} to {debversion: packaging} and got this:
https:/ /launchpadlibra rian.net/ 183236870/ buildlog. txt.gz
What am I doing wrong?