Cannot create a recurring model in accounting

Bug #999315 reported by TeMPO
This bug affects 3 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
OpenERP R&D Addons Team 3
Therp Backports (Deprecated)
Fix Released
Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

Bug Description


Try to define a Recurring Model, system will not show allow any account on the model line
seems thereis a bug with the domain



Related branches

Changed in openobject-addons:
status: New → Confirmed
importance: Undecided → Low
assignee: nobody → OpenERP R&D Addons Team 3 (openerp-dev-addons3)
Revision history for this message
TeMPO (info-tempo-consulting) wrote :

Dear all

in account_view.xml I changed the domain filter for account model

                    <field name="account_id" domain="[('type','&lt;&gt;','view'),('type','&lt;&gt;','consolidation')]"/>

instead of

<field name="account_id" domain="[('type','&lt;&gt;','view'),('type','&lt;&gt;','consolidation'), ('company_id', '=', parent.company_id)]"/>

I don't know if that is the best solution but it works for me

Revision history for this message
Ravish(OpenERP) (rmu-openerp) wrote :


 It has been fixed on lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-bug-999315-rmu with Following Revision Number and Revision ID.

Revision Number: 7054
Revision ID: <email address hidden>

This will soon merge with trunk

 Thank you!

Changed in openobject-addons:
status: Confirmed → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Anto (abourguignon) wrote :

The domain seems ok; you want accounts that are not views, not consolidations and that belong to the company defined in the o2m's parent.

The issue comes from the missing company_id field that should be inherited from the selected journal via an onchange method.

Changed in openobject-addons:
status: Fix Committed → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Olivier Dony (Odoo) (odo-openerp) wrote :

Note: a workaround is to save the new "account model" with just a journal chosen but no line added - this will set the value of the company field and let you choose appropriate accounts later when your e-edit the account model.

Revision history for this message
Anto (abourguignon) wrote :


The fix has been released in trunk (revno 7438).


Changed in openobject-addons:
status: In Progress → Fix Released
Changed in therp-backports:
status: New → Confirmed
status: Confirmed → Fix Committed
milestone: none → 6.1-maintenance
assignee: nobody → Stefan Rijnhart (Therp) (stefan-therp)
importance: Undecided → Low
Changed in therp-backports:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Lara (Therp) (lfreeke)
Changed in therp-backports:
milestone: 6.1-maintenance → fixed-after-61
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