Branches Soundex search output name language

Bug #969326 reported by meliza
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

If we search on a rtl name, then we should print the rtl name in the list, if it exists.
If we search on a Latin name, then we should print in the list a Latin name, if it exists.

I think that if we search on a Slavic or Russian name, then that name should show in the list, if it exists.

If I add
if (ord(utf8_substr(trim($surn),0,1))==ord(utf8_substr(trim($surn1),0,1)))
before the break on line 123 in branches.php
I see the names as expected.

svn 13714

Revision history for this message
meliza (meliza) wrote :

Currently I see normally the searched name in Latin letters and the spouse in the page language letters.
We should see both in the same letters, if the names exist.

It is OK to print both in the page letters.

Revision history for this message
meliza (meliza) wrote :

I have replaced locally $person_name = $name['full']; by $person_name = $individual->getFullName(); on line 145 in library/WT/Controller/Branches.php.
I see now the names of both spouses in the same page language letters.

Revision history for this message
fisharebest (fisharebest) wrote :

The reason for the existing logic is this:

When an individual has multiple name records, WT_Individual::getFullName() will return the first one.

So, if we have an individual with two names

1 NAME John /Black/
1 NAME John /White/

and we do a phonetic search for "Waite", then the code will show "White" (because it matches the soundex), but getFullName() would show "Black".

In your example, perhaps both your names have the same sound (but in different scripts), and hence both would match the soundex.

Revision history for this message
meliza (meliza) wrote :

Makes sense.

When our person has also Hebrew names
1 NAME גון/בלק/
1 NAME גון /ווייט/
and we search for 'Waite', I would indeed like to see the Latin name in the list and if we search for 'וויט' I would like to see the Hebrew name.

We should print the spouse's and the children's names in the same language (if they exist) as the name of the person with the hit, instead of automatically using the Full Name in the page language for them.

Another option would be to print the searched name in the page language, if we have a match in more than one scripts, even if we did not search in the page language.


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