Description of problem:
With kdebindings-4.5.1-2.fc15 [1], only srpm is generated when
rebuilding the srpm [2]
Looking at the spec file, on the line 265 brace is not closed
and from build.log [3] rpmbuild stops there, without causing
error but instead generating srpm.
It is preferable that brace is not closed like this, rpmbuild
stops with raising error.
Description of problem: 4.5.1-2. fc15 [1], only srpm is generated when
With kdebindings-
rebuilding the srpm [2]
Looking at the spec file, on the line 265 brace is not closed
and from build.log [3] rpmbuild stops there, without causing
error but instead generating srpm.
It is preferable that brace is not closed like this, rpmbuild
stops with raising error.
[1] http:// pkgs.fedoraproj gitweb/ ?p=kdebindings. git;a=blob; f=kdebindings. spec;h= 7e5180fb593495a bff9cf138ba00ba aa9f3f399c; hb=1641dda93d67 b9c2c1ff1ec9881 c9e93bf376e50 koji.fedoraproj koji/taskinfo? taskID= 2458607 koji.fedoraproj koji/getfile? taskID= 2458607& name=build. log
[2] http://
[3] http://
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 4.5.1-2. fc15